How to make free website (free hosting free domain)

To making a website is everyone's dream. But people have to pay alot of money for buying their domain and to hosting companies. Today we are going to show you simple ways to create your own website free of cost.

Step 1:

  • Open your browser 
  • Write
  • Goto to website of freenom

Step 2:

  • Put your desired domain name 
  • Then Click on Check availability

Step 3:

  • Check for domain name 
  • If it is available 
  • Then select your dot extension
  • And Click on checkout

Step 4:

  • Your free domain is created but not verified
  • Copy your domain name 
  • And leave it goto to next section but don't close this tab

Step 5:

  • Go for
  • Click on website tab...

Step 6:

  • Click on get free hosting if you have not create its account
  • If you have account then click on login

Step 7:

  • Your account is opened now 
  • Click on create a new account 

Step 8:

  • Select domain section
  • And fill it with all data 
  • Then click on create button

Step 9:

  • Your hosting account for that site is created now
  • Refresh your page 
  • And click on switch

Step 10:

  • Click on details

Step 11:

  • Copy server name.
  • And paste it your domain section.

Step 12:

  • Paste the sever name in dns section that you has copied
  • Select duration of domain/
  • Then Click on create.

Step 13:

  • Your domain section is proceeded now.
  • login with your f.b or gmail account.

Step 14:

  • Fill all the required data
  • And then click on compose order

                                               Your website is created now !

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                                                             Thank You !

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