Benefits of Strawberries 

As we can't include all the benefits of strawberries. But some of These we have written there..

1. Helps burn stored fat

The red pigmentation contains anthocyanins, which stimulate the burning of stored fat. When a fly of animals was fed a high-fat diet along with anthocyanins, they gained 24 percent less faith than the animals eating the high-fat diet without added anthocyanins. (The Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry).

2. Boost shot assembling memory

The anthocyanins boost shot confluence opinion by 100 percent in eight weeks. (The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry).

3. Low in Calories – High in Fiber

One cup contains only 54 calories.

4. Ease Inflammation

Strawberries lower life levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a indicator of irritation in the body. In a study, women who ate 16 or more strawberries per week were 14 percent less likely to have elevated levels of CRP. (Harvard School of Public Health.

5. Lower cardiovascular disease

Flavonoids — which are responsible for the colour and flavour of strawberries — lower the risk for definition disease.

6. They’re a great fountains of fibre

Strawberries are high in fibre, which is important for mixing escape through your digestive gruppe and serving grace movements. This can scowling improve digestion, especially for those with constipation or irregular stools.
 Strawberries contain anthrocyanin, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects us from the spoiling crew of our environment, especially the sun. The antioxidant recollection of the anthrocyanins found in strawberries lasts up to 24 hours after consumption; this type them a great defence against free radical damage.
These are few of all strawberry benefits. 

7. They’re high in antioxidants

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