Top 10 Richest People in the World 2019

Did you people know that most of the richest people in the world have more money than the total GDP of many countries? Including Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates as everyone knows about them. They had made them from a minor idea which gains success within a couple of years and now they are in the top 10 richest people of the list of the world. 

There were around 2000 Billionaires throughout the world. But the crown of the wealthiest person of the world goes to which Billionaire? Here is the list of the top 10 richest people in the world.

10. David Koch: N.W. $ 48.3 Billion

David Hamilton Koch is the co-owner and vice president of the Koch industries who is also a chemical engineer. The company is well known to the deal with consumer products, chemical technologies, fertilizer etc

9. Charles Koch: N.W. $ 48.3 Billion

Currently, Charles is the Chairman and CEO of the Koch industries 2nd largest U.S. Company. Managing it with his brother David Koch. This company is inherited from their father who died in 1967. 

8. Michael Bloomberg: N.W. $ 52 Billion

Former Mayor of Newyork and a businessman Micheal Bloomberg. Co-founder of Bloomberg L.p a global financial service, software and mass media. Micheal owns 88% stack of the company who has revenue of $9 Billion per year.

7. Larry Ellison: N.W. $ 60 Billion

Larry is a co-founder of world largest database company the oracle. He became of CEO of oracle in 2014. And now he is chairman and chief technical officer of the company. 

6. Carlos Slim: N.W. $ 68 Billion

Carlos own Movil the biggest telecom firm. And also have investments in many different companies. He had been at the top for many years and remain in top 5 for several years but new tech Billionaire takes that position from him.

5. Mark Zuckerberg: N.W. $ 73 Billion

Mark the Founder and CEO of Facebook. Has also bought many other social media platforms as well. And got a position in top 5 with the rise of $11.5 Billion in his wealth this year. 

4. Amancio Ortega: N.W. $ 78 Billion

He is co-founder if Zara Inditex and has made investments in real estate in Miami and many other places. He got $ 400 million as dividends every year.

3. Warren Buffet: N.W. $ 85 Billion

Since Donald Trump become the President Warren Buffet gain $ 14.5 Billion in his wealth. He has more than 60 companies on his own. And made several investments as well.

2. Bill Gates: N.W. $ 92 Billion

The 2nd Richest person of the World Bill Gates the co-founder of Microsoft. He has been 18 times to be the richest person in the world. and remain the top list. 

1. Jeff Bezos: N.W. $ 140 Billion

Jeff Bezos the founder and CEO of the Amazon largest eCommerce Company. He got the first spot with the $140 Billion wealth. Making the richest person in the world.

From Above list, you people can see that these people do not only depend upon their single business. They have the investment in many of these. From whom they got much more money. In other words, their money makes money. 

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