Beet Juice and its benefits

This is one of the most valuable juices for helping to build up the red corpuscles of the blood and tone up the blood generally. Women, particularly, have been benefited by drinking at least one pint of a combination of carrot and beet juice daily. The proportion in this combination may vary from 3 to 8 ounces of beet juice, using roots and tops, in one pint of the combined juices, carrot and beet. Taken alone, beet juice, in greater quantities than a wineglass at a time, may cause a cleansing reaction which may make one a little dizzy or nauseated. This may be the result of its cleansing effect on the liver and may, therefore, be uncomfortable. It has been found from experience that it is best to take less beet juice and more carrot juice in the beginning until one can tolerate its beneficial cleansing effect — then to increase the proportion of beet juice gradually. One 6 or 8-ounce glassful twice daily is usually considered sufficient. For menstrual disturbances beet juice has been very helpful, particularly when, during such periods, it has been used in small quantities, not more than a wineglass at a time (say, 2 or 3 ounces) two or three times a day. During menopause this procedure has been found much more permanently helpful than the degenerative effects of drugs or synthetic hormones. After all, any drug or inorganic synthetic chemical product cannot possibly have any more than a temporary effect in giving relief; the one who takes such drugs or synthetic hormones is the one who may suffer eventually when the body and Nature combine in attempts to eliminate such inorganic material from the system. Any drug that can be guaranteed to relieve or cure permanently any sick condition of the body can also be guaranteed to start some other and probably more serious condition some time later. It is the one who takes the drug that suffers in the long run, not those who advertise or administer it. After all is said and done, Nature has furnished us with natural means through which we may seek health, energy, vigor, and vitality. She has also furnished us, in greater or lesser degrees, with intelligence with which to pursue our search for knowledge. If we use our intelligence, Nature smiles on us. If we do not use it, she stands by with infinite patience and compassion, wondering why her handiwork should turn out so badly. 

While the actual content of iron in red beets is not high, it is of a quality that furnishes excellent food for the red corpuscles of the blood. The greatest virtue of the chemical elements in the beet is the fact that more than 50% is sodium, while the calcium content is only about 5%. This is a valuable proportion for maintaining the solubility of calcium, particularly when, as a result of eating cooked foods, inorganic calcium has been permitted to accumulate in the system and has formed deposits within the blood vessels, resulting in a toughening of the walls, as in the case of varicose veins and hardening of the arteries, or a thickening of the blood, resulting in high blood pressure and other forms of heart trouble. The 20% potassium content furnishes the general nourishment for all the physiological functions of the body, while the 8% content of chlorine furnishes a splendid organic cleanser of the liver, kidneys, and gall bladder, also stimulating the activity of the lymph throughout the entire body. The combination of carrot and beet juice furnishes a good percentage of phosphorous and sulphur on the one hand, and potassium and other alkaline elements on the other hand, which, together with the high content of Vitamin A, completes what is probably the best natural builder of the blood cells and particularly the red blood corpuscles. 

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